Monday, 8 February 2016

Giving in is not the same as giving up

“Giving in is not the same as giving up.  Giving in is not weakness, in fact it takes a lot of strength.”  Teresa Bell Facebook post Jan 2106

There was a time many years ago that I remember writing in my journal “I will not accept walls in my life.  I will crash them down, climb over them or dig under them.  Whatever it takes.”  At the time I was in the hospital for a week of IV antibiotics treating a system infection brought on by my PICC.

I would no longer write this of myself.  So where am I now?  Somewhere different but it’s a good place. 

Since 2003 I have seen a lot of cancer doctors, been to a lot of hospitals, had a lot of chemo and related drugs, surgery, radiation, have logged a lot of miles for medical care, and spent a lot of time, energy and money in the pursuit of control of my cancer.  The ripples of this have been felt far and wide among my family, friends and work.  Has it been worth it? ABSOLUTELY. My life has been so rich; full of wonderfulness, love and joy and I am grateful for every moment of it. 

The doctors tell me there currently is no other treatment options for me, nothing that in their opinion will be of benefit.  I have heard this before but the difference is that at this time I concur.  I don’t want to have surgery or take a drug just for the sake of “doing something”.  I am okay with just letting things be for now.  In fact, I am looking forward to some time without a calendar full of medical appointments, side effects, not devoting time and energy to cancer.  I tried two clinical trials in 2015, and at present there does not seem to be anything else available in Canada that I qualify for.  At one time I had thought of going to the US for clinical trials.  But now I feel the toll it would take on myself and my family, along with the risks, is not worth it.  So instead of banging down medical walls, I am going enjoy the view from this side.  This view includes more time at home and with family, more time for the things I enjoy, simplicity, quietness, more predictability and choice.  
It’s not giving up; it’s choosing to enjoy the moment I am in.  

Holly's first ice-cream cone

Ice cream is fun at all ages when you eat it together

Mike and  I on date night 
out with my young man Tanner
Fam time building house
Fam time building barn

the power of a woman with a new vacuum


  1. As always, your blog posts are a wonderful source of inspiration. Take care Teresa! Liane

  2. You are an unbelievably incredible, strong woman. We are all here close by and far away supporting you through this journey. Know that you are not alone :)
