Friday, 11 March 2016

Being a Mom with Cancer

I think one of the biggest impacts cancer has had on me was to change me as a parent.  A parent who loves the small moments...strives to spend time but even more than that...I relish watching them grow up...just to be present as they move though the ages and stages of growing up is so incredibly special to me.  

When I first felt the pressure of my cancer diagnosis I thought of all the things I wanted to teach them, tell them, impress upon them.  But with time, that changed.  They will develop into adults just fine with or without me.  Now I want to share the real me with them...who I really am, with all my faults and quirks. 

Earlier in my cancer journey I thought thought about all the things I needed to teach my children.  I worried had not taught them enough about cooking, or growing food, or budgeting.  I had not taken them to church enough, read bedtime bible stories.  I had not told them enough of their family history.  How could I make up for all this in the time I had left? I worried about the things I might not be here to help them through; schooling, weddings, babies, first homes, job loss, fights with their spouse, illness...oh the list went on and on in my head.  How could I make up for this?  And then God put in the lives of my daughter friends whom had lost their mothers and I could see that although they miss their moms, all these things I was worrying about he had taken care of in other ways.  And then a read a book by a mom with terminal cancer and she spoke so wisely of the community of women that she knew would surround her children when she was gone.  And not just for a week or a month, but women who would walk alongside her children through all stages of life.  Aunts, sisters, grandmas, cousins, mother-in-laws, friends, co-workers - they will be there along the way. It will be okay.  God has this.  He knows what to do.  

Once I let go of all these anxieties, I was able to uncover the true sadness I felt about living with cancer.  Here it is - I am sad about the things I will miss.  I cry a little inside every time I say it to myself.  But, here is the big thing - all my stress and anxieties were blocking this truth and the beauty of this knowing this truth is that over this I have control and choice.  So I made a choice and I strive to remind myself to live by this choice everyday.  

This is what I choose:  I will delight in the moments of my children's lives.  I will delight in being here to see them become their own unique selves.  I will delight in being able to comfort them, or at least sit beside them, in the hard moments.  I will delight in celebrating their accomplishments with them.  I am grateful for the simple gift of being present in their lives.

..."moments of being", those times when life becomes so concentrated that an individual moment seems to exist forever. ~ Virginia Woolf, Giving Voice to Sorrow  

"When I fully enter time's swift current, enter into the current moment with the weight of all my attention, I slow the torrent with the weight of me all here." ~ Ann Voskamp, One Thousand Gifts


  1. Beautiful thoughts. Much love and peace to you, as you savour each and every moment...

  2. I found your blog this morning and it was nice to read a post from another myxoid liposarcoma patient. I wish you peace and grace and I am looking forward to reading more of your blog!!.....I was diagnosed 6 years ago. It's been awhile since I posted on my blog, but if you're bored someday,.... you can find it here:
