Saturday, 26 January 2013

Treatment we go...round 6

Like a boxing match...the bell rings and round six begins.

Oct, last fall, my CT scan showed a small tumor at my bladder area which we were sure was more sarcoma and a small nodule in my lung which they could not be sure what it was but potentially was my first metastasis. As my post "what do you say in a moment like this" reveals, this news was extremely difficult the time.  My doctor in Kingston felt these were slow growing and we could watch and wait...scan again in April.  However my Montreal doctor wanted the scan done at 3 months.

Jan 15, 2013 was the 3 month Ct scan and it showed good news from my point of view.  Good news is the 9mm lung nodule is now gone.  This is very good news indeed.  Good news is there are no new tumors.  I believe there are 3 forces at work in, fasting and good luck.  The bladder tumor did grow a bit more, from 3cm to 5cm.  After seeing the doctors in Montreal, their concern is the tumor will break through the bladder wall which would of course be serious trouble.  The tumor has to go and the treatment recommendation I again consider to be good news.  The possible treatment options were surgery, drug therapy or radiation.  The radiologist says he can radiate this tumor, which is the least invasive, lowest side effect option. I have had my lifetime limit of radiation to most of my abdomen but this tumor is below that field.  The possible side effects during treatment and two weeks after it are:  don't consume food rich in fiber, raw vegetables and fruit, wear loose clothing over the area, protect skin from sun, don't swim in salt water, frequent urination, mild diarrhea. Okay, lets do this!

Getting radiation markings done Jan 2013
 My take the train to Montreal and stay at the Canadian Cancer Society lodge while going for treatment daily at the Jewish General.  I went for my markings on Jan 23rd.  This is how it went...first I got a gown and had an iv put in my arm...standard stuff.  Then I lay on my back on the Ct table and a blue pillow filled with what seemed to be foam dots was placed under my feet and lower legs.  The air was then sucked out of the pillow, forcing it to mold around my feet and legs.  This I am told is a mold that I will fit my feet back into which will ensure I am placed in the same location on the table for radiation.  Then I got that lovely dye by iv (plus I drank some earlier) which makes me feel warm and nauseous.  I have found that chewing gum as the dye is going into my arm iv helps a lot. Using the Ct scan, laser beams are shone on my abdomen and the technicians mark out my tumor.  3 small tattoo dots are made, one middle of my low tummy and one on each side of my hip.  They tell me some calculations need to be done and then I will be called back to start radiation.

Feelin' good in the classic hospital gown :)

Life does not stop for cancer.  Sometimes cancer stops life plans though.  Right now something different is happening - my plans in life seem to be meshing with what cancer is requiring.  In March my husband and I are planning to join HaitiArise, a team bringing medical care to Haiti. This has been something in my heart I have wanted to do for many years. My nature is not to let anything hold me back from doing what is important to me and my drive is really strong.  But I recognize this mission and my health affect a lot of people and it's not just about what I want to do.  I have prayed on it.  I still am praying on it.  It feels right, what I am doing and the plans that we have made.  Potentially a lot of obstacles could be coming up and aside from the fact that I have a tumor and it needs treatment, everything else is falling into place so easily and perfectly that I feel strongly God is putting this path in front of me. Faith is taking the first step when you can't see the whole staircase.  ♥

It's important to have fun, everyday.  My sister went with me to Montreal on Jan 23rd for the markings and boy, did we have fun!  We packed an awful lot of stuff for a one day trip.  It could have been considered stressful, with the train being delayed going down and the risk of missing our train back home but we didn't let it feel like that.  We laughed, we a lot.  As silly as this is, here is a video clip of how to have fun on the train.  Keep lovin' life, every moment you can.  Thanks sis, love you, a lot.


  1. Awesome Teresa!!! And through it all you visited with my students and gave us a wonderful tour. Thank you and have a good rest next week. I'll be thinking of you.

  2. Too awesome! We were definitely the most physically fit ladies to departed the train. It's a good thing that we didn't have the militant conductor on this trip! He would have given us so much more trouble that we got.
    Oh, and yes, Teresa did get in trouble on the trip back for putting her feet on the seat!
    The trip was a hoot, let's do it again soon!
