Tuesday, 20 January 2015

I can live with this

I have my CT scan report in hand.  I have read it top to bottom, bottom to top and all in between.  It's a good report, Mike and I give it a B+.  Not the very best it could be but certainly no where near the worst.  A little bit above average we think.  It uses words like slight, similar and mild.

Towards the end of the report it the final sentence and it reads on my Jan 7, 2015 test as follows:  "slight interval growth in abdominal retro-peritoneal and pelvic masses".

That's it...cancer is still there.  Getting a wee bit bigger over time.  And here's the thing I realized after reading the report....I find myself thinking "I can live with that".  At first I didn't realize the impact of that thought, and then there was an ah ha moment - there was a time when my first thought would have been "Will I die from this?"

2015 is starting differently for me.  I find my calendar is filling up with ambitious plans.  I didn't mean for this to happen, it's just the path I seem to be on.  Doors keep opening up.   There was a time when my intentions were to simplify, do less, make it easier for when I was sick.  Ha!

We have sold our house after only 3 showings and 6 weeks on the market.  So we are moving :) purging, packing and embracing building a new home for our family.

We decided not to travel anywhere this winter but then a call came asking us to join a mission trip to Haiti.  So we are packing bags and going to serve in Haiti in March.

New opportunities keep cropping up.  2015 is not going to be a year of decreasing.

Yep, I can live with cancer.  Live life full and wide.  Thank you God.

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